The 3 Dimensions of Emotions: Finding the Balance of Power, Heart, and Mindfulness in All of Your Relationships by Dr. Sam Alibrando

Just as there are three dimensions of the physical world (height, width and depth), there are three dimensions of the interpersonal world-power, love, and mindfulness. How well we learn to navigate them directly corresponds to how well we live our lives, how happy and fulfilled we feel.

Human reactivity is the source of most of our interpersonal problems and pain. The 3 Dimensions of Emotions: Finding the Balance of Power, Heart, and Mindfulness in All of Your Relationships introduces the concept of working the triangle, a unique practice that provides a compelling yet practical road map that can help you move from painful reactivity to productive proactivity in your relationships. And it works just as successfully for a CEO of a Fortune 500 company as it does for a parent struggling to communicate with a teenager.

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Dr. Sam Alibrando

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Self-Help, Educational, Psychological, Friendship, Love, Relationships, Family, Emotions, Feelings

The 3 Dimensions of Emotions: Finding the Balance of Power, Heart, and Mindfulness in All of Your Relationships by Dr. Sam Alibrando

The 3 Dimensions of Emotions is a new way to understand emotional intelligence and find your relational “sweet spot”–the dynamic intersection of power, love, and mindfulness. It will also help you to:

  • Manage difficult people in your life.
  • Improve your emotional intelligence as a partner, parent, and friend.
  • Improve your emotional intelligence as a leader at work.

Dr. Alibrando considers himself his best and most stubborn student. As a professional psychologist, always interested in what makes people tick and un-tick, he’s collaborated with clients for their mental and relational health for almost 35 years. As an organizational consultant, he’s worked with executives and their teams to help them break through to higher levels of performance for over 20 years. Dr. Alibrando has also earned several distinctions throughout his illustrious career:

  • President of the San Gabriel Valley Psychological Associate
  • Government Affairs Representative: California Psychological Association
  • Member of The Leadership Project.
  • Associate Clinical Professor at Fuller Graduate School of Psychology (Pasadena)
  • Director of Fuller Psychological & Family Services, a large training and community counseling center.
  • Director of the Relationship Counseling Center
  • Member of the APA/CPA Psychological Healthy Workplace Awards